Usually the carriers unlock the ports when phone becomes a bit old but in some cases users does not get the chance, thus there is a great demand for unlocking devices by some other way is increasing day by day that’s why Dev-Team of Ultrasn0w has worked on it and solved the issue.

So here is a pretty demonstrating guide to Unlock iOS 6 on iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS with Ultrasnow fixer. But note that only the following basebands can beUnlocked by this fixer:
  • 01.59.00
  • 04.26.08
  • 05.11.07
  • 05.13.01
  • 05.12.01
  • 06.15.00
Steps to Follow:

Step 1: Open up Cydia < Manage < Sources < Edit < Add new Source.

Step 2: You need to Add iParelhos Repo, for this purpose you need to enter following URL in that popped-up URL bar: then finish by adding the source.

                         Bellow Picture 1

Step 3: Once Repo is being installed open it up and browse for Ultrasn0w for 6.0.Tap on and install it.

                        Bellow Picture 2

Step 4: After that, download latest version of Ultrasn0w from the following Repo:

                         Bellow Picture 3
                            Picture 4

Well if you have followed all the instructions congratulations, you have unlocked youriPhone 4 or 3GS to iOS 6